LoveSac Omaha

Read This: (Floor Model Sale)

There’s nothing wrong with a used Sac.

It’s springtime and we’re switching things up.

Because of this, our floor models need loving homes.

So. . . take a gander and contact us for pricing and additional information.

(5s Manor Suede/Heather Tweed)


(5s Manor Suede/SheepSkin)


(6s Heather Tweed/6s Eskimo Phur)


(5s Black Velvish/Custom Chenille Stately)

Le fin.


Size Matters

Some might pretend that anything goes:

…small Sacs, big Sacs, white Sacs, blue Sacs…

In reality though, size matters. We know this and

we’re ready to help you make one of the most important decisions of your life.

Because not everyone can handle the biggest, we will start small…


The GamerSac

The GamerSac is 3 feet in diameter and starts at $249.98 with a cover.

It is the perfect size for even the tiniest spaces.


If bigger is better and you have the space, maybe the next size up is for you.


The CitySac

The CitySac starts at $329.98 with a cover and is 4 feet in diameter.

Built with smaller and tighter places in mind, it seats one adult perfectly.


If you get tired of the same, old (but comfortable) positions everyday,

brace yourself for the most versatile Sac to exist.


The PillowSac

The PillowSac is 4.5 x 6 ft and starts at $379.98 with a cover.

When we say most versatile to exist, we mean it.

Check out some hardcore PillowSac action HERE.


If you prefer the round shape and don’t want to sit alone, we have just the thing.


The MovieSac

Designed with movie-lovers in mind, the MovieSac starts at $479.99 with a cover.

Five feet in diameter, the MovieSac is easy to handle, easy to move,

easy to take to the drive-in and easy to clean up when finished.


If you love the MovieSac but have more room, prepare yourself for the



The SuperSac

It takes a special someone to look this unsatisfied in a Sac with two men, but

with the SuperSac, anything is possible.

Starting at $579.98 and filling out 6 feet of space, this Sac will NOT disappoint.


Last and certainly not least, the biggest spaces obviously call for the biggest Sacs.


The BigOne

Weighing in at over 90 pounds, the BigOne is 8 feet and starts at $849.98 with a cover.

Only the few, the proud and the elite can utter these words, “I have a BigOne.”


Because every Sac needs its counterpart, check this out: !!!!


So when you’re ready to make the most comfortable commitment to exist,

stop in and let us know.

Phurry February

Here at LoveSac, we’re all about inspiration.

In honor of February, everything you LOVE about the Sac comes in Phur.

Our inspiration?

Well, you can never know for SURE, but we have a theory…

Behold! A little something we like to call: The C-String Stache

Don’t let it fool you.

Though it looks sweet and innocent (debatable), remember that we warned you.

At times, transformation ensues.

The result? The alter ego: C-Mag

This human-form chick magnet may be dangerous, but the results are gratifying.

Lucky for us, C-Mag has been busy creating.


First in-line: Phurry Sacs

We all know that a REAL man likes to sit in a purple Sac.

However, if King Phur is not for you, we have 5 phurry choices.

Our Sactionals also come in all 5 Phurs.

(pictured below: Eskimo Phur)


Second in-line: Phurry Feet

REAL men also wear Phurry Slippers (available in 2 colors).

We don’t recommend wearing the slippers & sitting in a purple Sac at the same time.

(unless you’re ready for craziness)


Third in-line: Phurry Comfort

Our FootSacs are PERFECT for lounging on the couch.

Did you know that they have a foot pocket on them?

It’s a perfect place to store your Love Pets and Phurry Balls.

How big is the FootSac?

The FootSac is one Dakota tall.

(or 50×60)

If the FootSac is not quite large enough for you, we have a solution.

The King Blanket is MASSIVE.

After that, only one thing can take your comfort to the next level.

This pillow says one thing: I WANT YOUR BODY.

Last in-line: Phurry Balls

C-Mag makes our lives full of phurry comfort,

so stop in and let us spread the love around.
